2025.02. 21 | Jérôme Bel Stockholm (Sweden) - Dramaten |
2025.02. 25 | Jérôme Bel Stockholm (Sweden) - Dramaten |
2025.03. 01-02 | gala Macao (China) - Macau Cultural Center - Todos Fest |
2025.03. 11-13 | non human dances Caen (France) - Comédie de Caen |
The Institut français de Chine has invited Liu Chun - a dance specialist and connoisseur of the dance teaching institutions throughout
Starting this world over again, at a time when our relationship with living things has been profoundly destabilized, at a time of climate cris
Jérôme Bel will take part in the round table "Ecopoetics: art as an invention to a different relationship with the living world?"