performances > name given by the author > presentation

title : name given by the author (1994)

a performance by : Jérôme Bel
creation : Lisbon (Portugal), September 21st 1994, at the Teatro CineArte for the Skite 94 festival
with : Jérôme Bel and Frédéric Seguette
production : R.B. Jérôme Bel (Paris) - France

duration : 60 minutes

R.B Jérôme Bel is supported by the Direction régionale des affaires culturelles d'Ile-de-France, French Ministry for Culture and Communication, by the Institut Français, French Ministry for Foreign Affairs, for its international tours and by ONDA - Office National de Diffusion Artistique - for its tours in France
website : www.jeromebel.fr

Performance :
General effect of things or facts, which are presented to public view, capable of provoking reactions.
in Petit Robert 1, French dictionary